How To Attract Clients To Your Practice – Effortlessly Resale Rights Ebook


Table Of Contents

Introduction….. 2
Building Your Team…………….. 3
Realistic Expectations! ………… 4
What Is Your Contribution? ….. 5
Creating Your Vision……………. 6
Raising Awareness……………… 7
Your First Support Team Meeting………………. 8
Getting an Overview of Your Clients …………… 9
Making the First Active Contact ……………….. 10
Your Map to Success ………… 11
Time to Focus ………………….. 12
Your Second Support Team Meeting………… 13
Systemizing Your Follow-Ups ………………….. 14
What are You Willing to Give?………………….. 15
A New Business Card………… 16
Preparing Your Offer …………. 17
Your Third Support Team Meeting……………. 18
How do You Connect Best? .. 19
Getting Deeper into Your Target Market……. 20
New Contacts 21
The Best Marketing: Referrals …………………. 22
Your Fourth Support Team Meeting …………. 23
Time to Ask … 24
Letting Others Speak for You 25
Checking Your Basics………… 26
Sharing Your Experience ……. 27
Your Fifth Support Team Meeting…………….. 28
Meeting Overview (for each support team meeting) ………… 30
Date of Last Visit (Day 6) ……. 31
Phone Notes (Day 18) ……….. 32
Ongoing Checklist (use after successfully completing this training) ………… 33

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Congratulations on your commitment to improving your home based business. Starting this training is a great step forward. You now have solid information of how to turn your operations into a thriving business. Information!

Right now it is only information. It is up to you to turn this highly condensed information into knowledge and your own experience. Purchasing the training shows that you take active steps towards your success.


This training is set up in 5 weeks of daily exercises. There are 5 exercises each week so that you can relax and rejuvenate on the weekend. All exercises are practical and directly bring you more clients. You just have to DO them.

Week 1: Strengthening your Vision goes back to your passions to raise your strength and determination to succeed.

Week 2: Connecting with Current Clients starts you on the path of active marketing with the people that your relationship is strongest with.

Week 3: Reactivating Past Clients strengthens relationships that were strong in the past, but have been neglected. You will taste success this week.

Week 4: Attracting New Clients is using all the skills that you learnt and trained in the past weeks to make new connections.

Week 5: Leverage through Allied Marketing is the ultimate form of active marketing: letting other people build relationships for you.

Each day, you will need about 1-2 hours to work through the exercises. It is best to set a specific time. Sometimes, there are things that need to be done over a few consecutive days, but two hours per day should always be enough.

Naturally you can also select a faster or slower pace, but I found that a 5 week commitment is short enough to go all the way, and long enough to get the first results.

You will have to call some people, so you might work through this training in the morning and then have another time for calls (either in the early evening for private people or during business hours for businesses).

Empowering You

The training is set up to empower you to live the life you want. You have all it takes to become a successful home based business entrepreneur. This training is designed to awaken these qualities further.

By the end of the 5 weeks, you will have built the habit of working on your marketing, rather than just your clients. The exercises you learn are set up in such a way that you can continue using them after you finish this training.

30 minutes a day should be enough to keep the momentum building. Remember that every journey starts with the first step. Just concentrate on that now and let the rest come as it is time.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 35 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 461 KB

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