Podcasting Made Easy MRR Ebook


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Table Of Contents

Introduction to Podcasting…………………..3
The Fastest-Growing Media Format in Eons……………………3
What A Difference A Year Makes!………………………..4
You Don’t Actually Need a “Pod” – Or To Know How to “Cast”…………………….4
iTunes or no iTunes?………………………..6
Who Can Make Money With Podcasting?……………………….7
Why Would People Pay For Podcast Programming When Radio Is Free?…….7
Direct or Indirect Revenue Streams………………………..8
What Are The Other Uses For Podcasting?…………………..11
Non-Commercial (or Semi-Commercial) Uses of Podcasting……………………..11
A Podcast By Any Other Name………………………..12
Podcatching and Listening to Podcasts……………………….13
“Retriever” software………………………..13
Finding Podcasts You Want To Hear………………………..15
Getting Started Listening………………….16
Beyond Just Listening………………………16
How Do I Get Started Podcasting?……..16
Podcasting 101………………………..17
Hardware/Software You Need………………………..18
Where Do I Shop?………………………..19
Recording the Show!………………………..20
“Broadcasting” Your Podcast……………..21
Marketing Your Show & Finding Your Audience……………..21
Are We All Becoming Pod People?………………………..23

Sample Content Preview

Introduction to Podcasting

You’ve heard about podcasting and may have wondered just what it is, how to enjoy it, or how to take advantage of it.

In its simplest definition, podcasting is the publishing of audio programming to be distributed by the Internet and listened to at the listener’s discretion.

A slightly more comprehensive definition would be:

Podcasting is a method of publishing audio broadcasts via the Internet, that allows users to subscribe to a regularly updated feed of new files. Podcasting is unlike most other online media because of its subscription model. Podcasting usually uses a feed (such as RSS) to deliver an enclosed file, although not all podcasts require subscription.

Podcasting enables independent producers to make syndicated “radio shows,” and gives broadcast radio programs a new distribution method but it also offers much more.

While named for the iPod, any digital audio player or computer with audio-playing software can play podcasts.

The same technique can deliver video files as well although this use is not yet popular (we’ll see what happens when Apple introduces the video-capable iPod model!).

The Fastest-Growing Media Format in Eons

“Podcasting” is one of the hottest technology and marketing buzzwords today, and it has leapt from total obscurity to media headlines in the span of less than 18 months!

In its essence, podcasting is a method of disseminating information, usually but not always audio information like music and spoken word materials, through a method similar to RSS, or “really simple syndication,” which regular readers of our reports already are familiar with.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 24 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 1,033 KB

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