Rss – Really Simple Solutions Personal Use Ebook


Table Of Contents

RSS – Really Simple Solutions……………………..1
What Is RSS?……………………..3
How to Get an RSS Feed……………………..4
How to Use RSS to Get Instant Updates……………………..9
How to Use RSS to Dominate your Niche……………………..20

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What Is RSS?

RSS is short for “Really Simple Syndication” and it is a method of sorting and displaying content from multiple sources. Whenever a website with an RSS feed is updated, links to the new content on that site are displayed on the RSS feed. Where ever that feed is placed, a link will be dynamically inserted into that page. What you can do with RSS is nearly endless.

If you have a list of websites which you love reading, you can set up a website or software program which reads updates on your chosen RSS feeds to display all of their newly posted content to a single source. Thus, you don’t need to head on over to all ten websites to check on all of your favorites, you can simply check one source. If a site is updated, a new link will be posted, and if not, you won’t see anything.

You can also use RSS to keep websites updated. How does a list of “newly posted” content sound…one that updates on it’s own, across the board, with no copy/pasting needed? What if you could make one blog post which updated five or more websites? Seeing as how Google and other search engines appreciate updated content, a list of new links which are dynamically updated with a single post is a pretty powerful way to increase your sites relevancy!

OK, so now you see the benefits for users and for webmasters. But there’s more…I suggest using RSS to spy on your competitors. Set up a personal feed for yourself which allows you to see what kinds of keywords and articles people are writing and take advantage of their research. Yes, you can do it, and I’ll show you how.

This small piece of technology has an absolute ton of uses in internet marketing, and it is the purpose of this report to show you how to use it.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 24 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 359 KB

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