Internet Marketing For Stay At Home Moms PLR Ebook


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Table Of Contents

Introduction: Why Internet Marketing? 5
Chapter 1 – Choosing a Business 8
Finding Your Niche 8
Do what you love (or love what you do) 9
The You Catalogue: A Quiz 11
Discovering the missing link 13
Hot home business ideas 16
Creating a Product 17
Oh, the possibilities! 17
E-books, e-courses and audio products 18
Services and consulting 23
Physical products 24
Outsourcing and Partnering 26
Time versus money: how to save both by outsourcing 26
Tag-teaming the Internet marketing world 28
Finding a mentor 29
Chapter 2 – Implementing a Business 32
Hanging Out Your Shingle 32
Making it official 32
You, Incorporated 34
Serving Uncle Sam 36
Getting a Website 38
Free or fee? Why you should pay for Internet hosting 38
The domain name 40
Templates: Web design for dummies 41
On Affiliates and Autoresponders 43
The whys and hows of affiliate programs 43
Autoresponders: Make money while you sleep! (Sort of) 45
Chapter 3 – Marketing a Business 47
Search Engine Strategies 48
Submissions and keywords 50
Article marketing: The power of words 52
Step:1 Write Your Articles 53
Step:2 Submit Your Articles To Article Directories 57
Step:3 Post Your Articles On Your Own Website 60
Your Sales Letter 61
Structuring a killer sales letter 61
Those who can’t, outsource 63
If you send it, they will come 64
Networking 65
The mom-eat-mom world: Sleeping with the enemy 66
Blogs: Getting Personal Online 67
Let’s swap links 70
Chapter 4 – Tips for Moms: Making it Work From Home 72
Claiming Your Space 72
Corner or room, it’s all yours 72
Home office Feng Shui 74
Mom is OUT: Laying down the home office law 75
Work + Kids = Chaos? 76
Little helpers 76
Taming the telephone 78
The portable office 79
Managing Your Time 80
Be your own slave-driver 81
To-Do Lists ad time scheduling 82
Decimate distractions 83
Flexibility, schmexibility 84
Putting yourself in time-out 86
Table of Figures 88
Resources 89
Small Business Resources: 91
Internet Mom Communities and Resources: 92
Tax Help 93
HTML Basics 93
Other Tools on the ‘Net 93

Sample Content Preview

Introduction: Why Internet Marketing?

If you’re reading this book, chances are you’re a mom who wants to work from home. You may have made this decision for any number of reasons:

• You want to spend more time with your family
• You’re tired of the nine-to-five working world
• Downsizing or layoffs have hit your industry
• You want a second household income
• You’ve finally decided to realize your dreams of starting your own business
• You’re seeking more out of life
• You want to change the world

Do any of these apply to you? Whatever reasons are behind your decision to start working from home, it’s a given that you want to be successful. There are generally two profiles we imagine when it comes to working from home:

The idle rich scenario. Work from the comfort of your own home! Sit around in your slippers and watch the money roll in! The Internet and television infomercials abound with advertisements from companies that promise a leisurely lifestyle and the road to Easy Street—usually with a “minimal investment” in their products or services. Some companies prey on a mom’s deepest desires: no clocks to punch, limitless time with your kids, profits without effort. They promise swimming pools and mansions…but usually deliver empty bank accounts and shattered dreams.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 95 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Source Files Do Not Upload
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 4,489 KB

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