Unstoppable Peak Performance Resale Rights Ebook


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Table Of Contents

Why Don’t You Own A Functional Business?……………………………….8
CHAPTER 1: It’s Time For You To Build Momentum…………………………12
How To Build Momentum………………………………………………..15
Start Anywhere………………………………………………..17
Identify Your Strong Points…………………………………………………18
Shift Your System Into A Higher Gear…………………………………………20
Resynthesizing To Maintain Momentum……………………………………….22
CHAPTER 2: Overcoming Information & Idea Overload……………………..25
Stop Buying Products You Won’t Use………………………………………….26
Concentrate On Doing Productive Activities………………………………….28
Work Or Don’t…………………………………………………….29
Cut The Fat With Testing…………………………………………………..30
CHAPTER 3: Creating & Perpetuating Vision………………………………….32
Put Your Goals In Writing…………………………………………………33
Revise Your Goals Periodically…………………………………………….35
Articulate Your Vision To Your Staff……………………………………….. 36
CHAPTER 4: As The Crow Flies………………………………………………39
Removing Self-Imposed Obstacles…………………………………….40
Distinguish Between Real And Fake Obstacles………………………………..43
CHAPTER 5: Model Your Way To Success…………………………………………45
The 3 Part Exercise To Model Success………………………………………45
Conduct A Thorough Analysis of Their Business……………………………46
Follow Everything They Do………………………………………………..48
Figure Out Where They Succeed And You Fail……………………………….49
CHAPTER 6: The Power Of Chunking………………………………………….52
CHAPTER 7: Persistence Pays Off…………………………………………..54
Reward Small Achievements………………………………………..55
Learn How To Discipline Yourself………………………………………….56
Make Money With This Manual…………………………………………….59

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Hello, this is Aurelius Tjin. Welcome to the Unstoppable Peak Performance guide where I’ll teach you how to focus, earn more, work less and overall enjoy more of life.

I’m excited about being here with you today because after you read this guide, you are going to digest three and a half years of my own personal experience with Internet marketing into one – and I’m very grateful to share that with you because without loyal people like you, I wouldn’t be in the position I am today.

I’m not going to teach you how to build a website, create a product, build your list, and generate traffic here – there’s plenty of information out there and experts in those fields already.

One of the biggest problems I see with those who are struggling with their online business, and even those who are making a slight success but want to take it to the next level is this:

A lack of focus and vision for their objectives.

When this happens, they suffer from certain disorders which limits them from reaching their goals.

· They try out every opportunity that claims it’s “the next big thing”

Other Details

– 2 Ebooks (PDF), 59 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 811 KB

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