Refine Oneself PLR Ebook


Table of Contents

Table of Contents … 1
Chapter I: Helping Ones Self for Self Improvement . 3
Don’t Settle for Mediocrity 3
Give yourself a mood boost …… 6
Tips for Getting Out of a Rut ….. 8
Excellent Self-care ….. 11
Taking Care of Yourself …. 13
Chapter II: Dealing With Trouble of What Life Brings … 16
Taking life with a grain of salt . 16
Dealing with problem solving .. 18
When problems get you down .. 20
How to Beat the Bad Day Blues
How to Beat the Bad Day Blues …… 21
Dealing with Disappointment . 23
Dealing with jealousy 26
Surviving the Winter Blues …… 28
Signals that could mean you are stressed …. 31
Signs that you are suffering from burnout … 34
Top 10 signs that its time to leave a relationship …… 36
Chapter III: Anger and Happiness ….. 41
About Anger 41
The Top 7 Ways of Controlling Anger … 44
Turning hate into good …. 46
What does happiness mean? .. 49
Developing Relationships for Happiness …… 52
How to make everyday a great one …… 54
Stay Happy: Don’t Hold onto Grudges .. 58
Success and Happiness is not Always Material … 60
Chapter IV: Change For Good …. 63
Changing bad habits into good ones ….. 64
Turning Change into Choice! … 66
Improving your emotional well-being … 69
7 Simple Steps to Stop Procrastinating . 72
New Year’s Resolutions You can Keep
New Year’s Resolutions You can KeepError! Bookmark not defined.
Don’t Let Addictions Control Your Life .. 78
Chapter V: Healthy Communication . 81
Developing healthy communication skills …. 81
10 tips for effective communication ….. 84
10 tips for interview success … 86
Chapter VI: For Speed Ahead ….. 90
Real Life Applications of NLP … 90
Why you need a life coach …… 93
Signs that Indicate you are Getting There …. 95
Moving on with Life .. 98

Sample Content Preview

Dealing with problem solving

We all come across problems that affect our life and we have to deal with them. However, its how we deal with them that can make all the difference.

Problems can occur in life through mistakes that we make ourselves or through unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, whichever way they cross our path we should deal with them in the same levelheaded way.

Stay in control

There are basic ways in which we can help ourselves overcome problems easier when life throws them our way but the most important of them is to remain in control of your thoughts and feelings. Remember that worrying and getting upset about any situation wont change the situation in any way, it won’t make it go away by magic. Try to think of problems as challenges that arise, tests that are put in our path to see how we deal with them and overcome them.

It is all about how we deal with problems emotionally that matter, our emotional state can take us through our problems if we allow it to. If you are prone to worrying when problems arise and allow depression to set in, you still have to get through the tough times, only they will be so much harder to get through.

The first thing you have to understand is that you don’t have to understand the cause of the problem in order to solve it and get past it.

If only I knew why? Is the first question that many of us ask when faced with difficulty, but knowing why doesn’t change anything. The solution to the problem lies ahead not behind and this is the way you should be looking, don’t spend energy trying to figure why, spend it focusing on looking for the solution.

Don’t spend anymore than 20% of your time on focusing on the problem and wondering why; do spend 80% on figuring out a solution to the problem. The only question you need to ask yourself is “what am I going to do about it?”

If problems are getting you down remember that everyday is a new day, while life seems to be throwing many problems your way right now it doesn’t mean it will tomorrow. Leave the past where it belongs and only concentrate on the future and it getting brighter day-by-day.

To lift yourself up out of the blues ask yourself “what is happening in my life right now that I have to be grateful for?” if you sit down and think deeply about this, no matter how many problems you seem to have right now there is always something which you should be grateful for.

So dealing with solving problems is all about how you look at them, face them head on and don’t shrink from them in despair. Focus on obtaining a solution for solving the problem and then go for it full steam ahead until you have dealt with it and got through it.

Whenever you have a bad day for whatever reason,

Whenever you have a bad day for whatever reason, what you need to do is think. Think hard, but not about what you need to do is think. Think hard, but not about the misery or the misfortune ththe misery or the misfortune that has hit you. You may at has hit you. You may be of the opinion, of course, the unfortunate events or be of the opinion, of course, the unfortunate events or experiences of the day are going to haunt you, put you experiences of the day are going to haunt you, put you under depression and mental stress, drain your under depression and mental stress, drain your emotions of their usual energy, kill your enthusiasm for emotions of their usual energy, kill your enthusiasm for life and spoil evlife and spoil everything that you hold dear in life. erything that you hold dear in life.

In short, your negative thoughts may make your bad day

In short, your negative thoughts may make your bad day seem worse than it actually is. Undoubtedly, that will be seem worse than it actually is. Undoubtedly, that will be the case if you surrender yourself to the consequences, the case if you surrender yourself to the consequences, not otherwise. not otherwise.

If you take control, you can de

If you take control, you can devise ways and means of vise ways and means of beating the bad day blues.beating the bad day blues. Since negative thoughts and Since negative thoughts and emotions tend to overwhelm you on a bad day, you emotions tend to overwhelm you on a bad day, you must think of strategies that thwart them. must think of strategies that thwart them.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 101 Pages
– 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
– 2 Ecovers (PNG)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2022
– File Size: 3,735 KB

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