The Guru’s Apprentice – The Good Stuff Nobody Is Telling You Mrr Ebook


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Table Of Contents

How I Got to Page #1 in Google…………………………….6
How I Got Loads of Free One-Way Links……………………..10
How I Sell to My List with Free eBooks…………………….13
How I Make Money Giving Away Free eBooks!…………………18
How I Went Straight into ClickBank on Page #7…………………20
How I Overcame the Landing Page Problem………………………21
How I Got Google to Index ALL My Pages………………………..22
How to Get Your Customers eMail Addresses…………………….24
How to Protect Your Downloads……………………………25
How to Generate Your Own Secrets…………………………27
Master Resale Rights…………………………………..29
About the Author…………………………………34

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For a long time, I wasn’t sure whether or not to write this book. Why? Because, once published, these ideas will cease to be secrets and perhaps some of them may even lose their effectiveness over time. So it has been a real dilemma. However, as you know, I decided to go ahead and publish. I have a number of reasons for doing this and I thought I would start by explaining them.

One of two things will happen as a direct result of this publication: either this book will become a runaway success or it will completely flop – I don’t really see any other alternatives. Now if it flops, that’s ok, for you, because you will be able to continue to use these secrets to give you a competitive edge.

On the other hand, if the book becomes a runaway success – and I believe it has every possibility of doing so – then you will be right there in-the-money for once because I am also giving YOU full Master Resale Rights! Just so you are aware, my first book in this series – How the Jerk Got Rich – has sold well over 2,000 copies at the time of writing!

So, either way, you are going to love this little book!

If you feel just a little excited by the prospect of being in at the start of something big, then that’s great – I am really excited too! But I do have another reason for publishing. I want to convey a message to you my fellow Internet Marketer.

My Message is this: there ARE secrets. The secrets in this book were not passed on to me by anyone – they are all the product of my own thinking and research. To be sure, that thinking has been influenced by my reading, but the secrets themselves are all my own.

Other Details

– Ebook (PDF), 34 Pages
– Salespage (HTML)
– Ecover (JPG)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2007
– File Size: 782 KB
– Bonus “Public Domain Profit” (PDF), 13 Pages

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