How To Milk The Ebay Cash Cow Mrr Ebook


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Table Of Contents

About The Author And Introduction 3
Welcome to eBay and Tons of Income Opportunities! 28
What You Need to Know Before Getting Started 30
5 Easy Steps to Posting Your First eBay Auction 31
An eBay Seller’s Checklist 32
What’s your eBay Reputation Really Worth? 34
10 Steps to Successful Selling on eBay 37
How to Think Like an eBay PowerSeller 39
Choosing the Right eBay Product Category 42
Tips on Writing your eBay Title 44
EBay Description Writing Tips 46
10 Tips for Increasing your eBay Response 48
The eBay Glossary 52
Resource Guide & Bonuses 55

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Remember this…

It’s eBay’s play ground so they can and will bully you if you try to break there rules…

In the long run it’s not worth it – trust me…

at this stage I was still working full time which i didn’t enjoy at all and wanted to quit asap…

So after a while of researching on eBay for new products to sell I moved on to my new activity of selling information products in physical form of CD/DVD’s

I soon started to make around $2,000 every month as a nice side income whilst still working my full time day job…

I recommend you check out CD Money machine

that was it for me – by this time I wanted to quit my full time job and focus all of my time and energy on eBay…

I’ve always loved motorbikes and after some more research on eBay I noticed that there was a huge market on eBay to start selling them, so I opened up an import business and started importing containers of motorbikes from china to the UK.

Now I don’t for a second recommend you do the same…

It was a big risk and I spent over $30,000 each container of motorbikes I bought.

Other Details

– Ebook (PDF), 55 Pages
– Salespage (HTML)
– Ecover (JPG)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2007
– File Size: 4,577 KB

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