Break Anger PLR Ebook


Table of Contents

Chapter 1:
Getting To The Source Of Anger
Chapter 2:
Stop Your Anger Effectively
Chapter 3:
Get Rid Of Fear That’s Causing Anger
Chapter 4:
Depression Leads To Rage
Chapter 5:
Organizing And Simplifying Your Life
Chapter 6:
Calm Your Anger With Meditation
Chapter 7:
Letting Go Of Blame
Chapter 8:
Communicate Clearly To Avoid Conflict
Chapter 9:
Maintain A Positive Mindset
Chapter 10:
Remove Negative Associations With NLP
Wrapping Up

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Stopping It

Taking a deep breath is the most common recommendation meted out by experts. This not only gives the individual the opportunity to step back and collect his or her thoughts, but it also causes some chemical reactions within the human body that allows the frazzled nerves to be calmed. Drinking water is also another way to calm the nerves and creating a distraction for the mind and body to focus on. Besides it also has a positive cooling effect on the body system.

Another tip often given is to not speak when still in the angry frame of mind. Anger usually brings forth really ugly feelings and words, and when said in the heat of the moment, it is often impossible to retract. Therefore exercising some control and walking away from the temptation to be vocal, would help stop the anger from erupting out of control.

Taking a time out session would also contribute to stopping the anger effectively. The energy derived from exercising or simply taking a walk, will be able to exhaust the individual’s anger emotions adequately enough for the individual to be calmer and relaxed. Praying and meditating are also other ways to distract the mind. This style would effectively draw the mind away from the anger, thus effectively stopping it from creating disastrous consequences.


One of the natural reactions that can cause anger stems from the fear of something. People often react in anger, when they are fearful of a particular problem, occurrence, action or basically anything they perceive to be out of their control. However the good news is that there are ways to overcome the anger issues by dealing with the elements that cause the fear.

The following are some tips on how to get rid of the fear that is causing the individual to resort to outbursts of anger:

Get Rid Of It

Frustration in a particular area can eventually lead to the fear factor creeping in and taking over the individual’s mind and thoughts. One way of avoiding this, would be to address the problem at its root as this will help to stop the frustrations from building and turning into anger.

Once this exercise is launched, surprising results can be unfolded, such as the mind conjuring imagined problems that are not necessarily detrimental but seem to be so just because of the pressure to produce results, the perceived anti feelings that the individual may imagine is directed towards themselves, the fear of being unable to come up with suitable solutions, are all problems that can be solved by tackling the issues itself.

The belief systems an individual stands by can also cause anxiety, which can eventually lead to fear and this too can be the ideal trigger that brings out the anger in the individual. Belief systems are usually harder to address as they are usually firmly ingrained in the person’s mindset, thus tackling this particular problem, may prove to be very exhausting and complicated. However some effort should be exercised to help the individual understand the impacts and implications, the belief system is creating and causing the individual to erupt in anger.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF, DOCX), 30 Pages
– 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
– 2 Ecovers (PNG)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2022
– File Size: 2,557 KB

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