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Super Affiliates Start With People

The average affiliate marketer just goes out and finds a product…any product that has a high commission… and throws up a link and sits back and HOPES that someone will click on it and buy the product. DON’T BE AVERAGE!

When you’re deciding what product to add to your affiliate marketing business, you really shouldn’t be looking at products at all! Instead, you should be looking at people!

Products don’t buy products…people buy products! If you don’t know what the people who are a part of your niche are having problems with, are interested in, are talking about…then how can you sell something to them?

Once you’ve decided upon a niche, you need to be a part of that niche…even if it’s just briefly. Learn to talk the talk and walk the walk. That’s extremely simple. Just do a search for forums that relate to your niche. Go to them and sign up. Read the posts on that forum. See what problems people are complaining about…see what topics are getting a lot of posts…see who the experts are in that niche.

Sign up for a newsletter or two. That will give you a good idea of the level of marketing in that niche and will also let you learn the “lingo” of the niche. See what products they are talking about and trying to sell. This will also give you an idea of whom to JV with when you start your own affiliate program for your own product!

Ask questions on the forum. Get to know some of the people. Build relationships with them. After you’re an accepted member of the forum, ask them if they’d mind doing a survey for you in exchange for a nice gift. That’s when they actually tell you what they want and will buy!

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 29 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 286 KB

License Details:

[Yes] Includes Reseller Website
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus to one other product
[Yes] Can be packaged
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites
[NO] Can be given away
[NO] Can be added to free membership sites

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