How To Find An Endless Supply Of Targeted Customers Resale Rights Ebook


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Table Of Contents

1 Introduction
2 Goals Of This Section
3 Exponential Resource Management 1
3b The Working Concept. An Overview
3c What To Do With Your List?
3d An Important Tip
3e What To Do With Your List Cont.
3f Building Affiliates From Your List
3g Turning Your List Into JV Prospects
3h What To Do With Your List Summary
3i What To Do With Your Customers
3j Organizing, The Keys To Success
3k Back To Managing Your Customers
3l Customers To Long Term Customers 3m Turning Your Customers Into JV’s
3n What To Do With Your Customers Summary
4 Summary
5 Goals Of This Section 6 Exponential Resource Management 2
6b What To Do With Your Long Term Customers
6c Long Term Customers Into Affiliates
6d Long Term Customers Into Your List
6e Long Term Customers Back Into Customers
6f Long Term Customers Into JV Prospects
6g What To Do With Your Affiliates
6h Affiliates Into Customers
6i Affiliates Into Long Term Customers
6j Affiliates Into JV’s
6k What To Do With JV Prospects
6l JV Prospects Into Affiliates
6m JV Prospects Into Your List
6n Not Turning JV’s Into Customers
6o The Final Diagrams
6p Three Steps To A Good Customer Relationship
6q Wrapping Up
7. Summary

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1. An Introduction

Exponential resource management isn’t just a fancy name. It’s a really underestimated, under used marketing method that works incredibly well. So much so, this section is one of the main reasons we’re only letting 500 copies of this go. I don’t want my competition to be able to manage their customers correctly if it means I’m going to get them instead.

What we’re looking at here are your five primary resources. The lifeblood of any online business. That’s your affiliates, your list, your customers, long term customers and joint venture prospects. All of which we’ll refer to from this point onwards as your resources, or your promotion power.

Each one of the big five have the power to make you sales, and thus big profits. However, imagine being able to take those five and manage them in such a way that you never have to carry out the expensive act of paying for new customers, a bigger, list, more affiliates or JV contacts ever again, but still having countless thousands of them flowing into your lap.

It sounds unthinkable, but with the right management of your resources, you’re going to be seeing their usefulness double, multiply by three, four, sometimes even five. What does this mean or your profits? Well, have you ever worked it out in your head how much you’d make if you doubled a penny every day for a month or two? The principal here is the same, but instead of money, you’re using your resources. The more you have, the faster they build each other. The true power of real exponential growth is at every marketers fingertips. They just have to know how to realize it’s there and understand how to use it to their advantage..

Other Details

– 2 Ebooks (PDF, DOC), 60 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 978 KB

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