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Source Code: The Amazing Profits Hidden Behind Software Products!

Dear Friend,

Starting a new business takes a leap of faith. You never know how exactly long it’s going to take for it to take off.

In rare cases, you’ll hit it big instantly. However, most of the time, it takes months or even years to build up a successful customer base and product line.

Even a single ebook or software product can take months of creation and preparation work before you see one cent in return.

And this is why this short report is so important. It reveals how you can start leveraging the power of software to start earning thousands of dollars an hour for your time.

How’s this possible?

Well, the main reason has to do with what makes up software – its source code.

The simplest way to describe source code is that it’s the set of directions that tells the computer what the program does and looks like. It’s how the computer knows what to show on the screen and how to respond every time the user clicks a button.

Every program is made up of source code using a programming language, such as PHP, Visual Basic, Delphi, etc.

Now here’s where it gets good for you. With software products, you often don’t have to start scratch each time. You can put out products quickly because much of the source code has already been developed.

You see, the beauty of software products is that you don’t have to always reinvent the wheel each time you begin a new project.

For example, once you’ve developed a search feature, you can use it for other applications… Or maybe you’ve designed a certain look and layout you like, and you don’t want to change a thing for your next project.

Simply stated, old software products add up to a “swipe file” you can pull from to create new creations quicker, easier, and at a tiny fraction of the cost than if you started from scratch!

Let’s look at an example of how this can make you more money:

If one top selling product generates $20,000 your first month, but it took you 500 hours to create, then you should be making around $40 an hour. Not bad. However, just imagine what you could be earning if you can put out top selling software products that take only 100 hours to develop.

That’s $200 an hour in your first month!

Plus, instead of creating only a few new products a year, you’re now creating a dozen. Your income just went from $80,000 to well over $240,000 a year!

Now, of course, these are only examples. But, they allow you to see the impact of being able to repackage the work you’ve done in the past – to build a successful line of products in a fraction of the time it would have otherwise taken.

In the pages that follow, you’re going to discover the entire range of possibilities software products have to offer… and how you can repackage them to start successful software businesses around the web.

Moreover, these are the same secrets that I’ve used to build my successful business starting with very little investment cash and limited Internet marketing experience.

I know that you’ll gain a fortune of insight into the power software products have for your business.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 23 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 128 KB

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