List Building Firepower MRR Ebook


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Table of Contents

1. The “Specific Date” Technique
2. The “So Many Minutes” Technique
3. The “Here’s Your Lesson” Technique
4. The “E-Report” Technique
5. The “Tease Me” Technique
6. The “Great Deal” Technique
7. The “JV Discount” Technique
8. The “Worth It?” Technique
9. The “Virus” Technique
10. The “Swipe Them” Technique
11. The “Republish It” Technique
12. The “Future Goals” Technique
13. The “Future Problems” Technique
14. The “Prize Fest” Technique
15. The “Las Vegas” Technique
16. The “Fast Forward” Technique
17. The “See It Everywhere” Technique
18. The “Multiple Choice” Technique
19. The “My Credentials” Technique
20. The “Confidentiality Agreement”
21. The “100% Pure” Technique
22. The “Look Who’s Here” Technique
23. The “Believe Them” Technique
24. The “Collect Them All” Technique
25. The “Next Time” Technique
26. The “Ad Less” Technique
27. The “Give Me Them” Technique
28. The “Swap Me” Technique
29. The “Got Friends?” Technique
30. The “It’s Worth” Technique
31. The “Targeted Flirt” Technique
32. The “Give It Away” Technique
33. The “Try A Piece” Technique
34. The “See The Past” Technique
35. The “Waiting List” Technique
36. The “Unsubscribe” Technique
37. The “E-mail Me” Technique
38. The “Keep It Free” Technique
39. The “I’ll Pay You” Technique
40. The “Easy Form” Technique
41. The “Budget It” Technique
42. The “Subscribers-Only” Technique
43. The “Barter Everything” Technique
44. The “I’ll Be There” Technique
45. The “My Advice” Technique
46. The “Snooze You Lose” Technique
47. The “Famous Guest” Technique
48. The “Skim It” Technique
49. The “Full Of Help” Technique
50. The “Total Them Up” Technique
51. The “A Long Time” Technique
52. The “Personal Touch” Technique
53. The “Gift Subscription” Technique
54. The “Work Involved” Technique
55. The “Goes Both Ways” Technique
56. The “What You Missed” Technique
57. The “Only Mine” Technique
58. The “Stay Current” Technique
59. The “Why Subscribe?” Technique
60. The “How Often?” Technique
61. The “Cold Hard Facts” Technique
62. The “Battle Tested” Technique
63. The “Autograph” Technique
64. The “Ratio Of Visitors” Technique
65. The “Plenty Of Ways” Technique
66. The “How To” Technique
67. The “Top Ten” Technique
68. The “Tip Me” Technique
69. The “Recent News” Technique
70. The “Interview” Technique
71. The “Product Review” Technique
72. The “Web Site Review” Technique
73. The “Personal Profile” Technique
74. The “Word Game” Technique
75. The “Samples Of Products” Technique
76. The “Checklist” Technique
77. The “Calendar Of Events” Technique
78. The “Q And A” Technique
79. The “First Shot” Technique
80. The “Community Gossip” Technique
81. The “Transcripts” Technique
82. The “Questionnaire” Technique
83. The “Free Advertising” Technique
84. The “People Care” Technique
85. The “Common Sense” Technique
86. The “Private Access” Technique
87. The “Product For Ad” Technique
88. The “Viral Article” Technique
89. The “Opt-In Auction” Technique
90. The “Listen To Me” Technique
91. The “Watch Me” Technique
92. The “Keyword Clicking” Technique
93. The “Free Directory” Technique
94. The “Customer Reminder” Technique
95. The “Discount An E-mail” Technique
96. The “Offline Myth” Technique
97. The “Free Compliment” Technique
98. The “Back You Up” Technique
99. The “I’ll Share” Technique
100. The “Publish And Grow” Technique

Sample Content Preview



My name is Larry Dotson.

If you’re seriously interested in learning more about growing your opt-in list, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative report takes a closer look at things you need to know about list building.

It addresses some of the key issues for building your opt-in list. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about list building.

1. The “Specific Date” Technique

Tell your potential subscribers they will get a free bonus for subscribing before a specific date. Tell them the bonus won’t be available after that date. You could also say they need to subscribe before midnight or the end of the day.

2. The “So Many Minutes” Technique

Tell your potential subscribers they will get a free bonus for subscribing in so many minutes. You could have a timer running down the time on your opt-in form. If they really like your bonus, they will subscribe before the time runs out.

3. The “Here’s Your Lesson” Technique

Tell your potential subscribers they will get a free ecourse for subscribing. You could just publish each lesson on a daily autoresponder series. People like to take courses one lesson at a time. You could even include an ad with each lesson.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 37 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2007
– File Size: 366 KB

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[Yes] Includes Reseller Website
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus to one other product
[Yes] Can be packaged
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites
[NO] Can be given away
[NO] Can be added to free membership sites

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