Magic Copywriting Give Away Rights Ebook


Table Of Contents

Preface 5
1. Introduction 8
a. All About A Sales Letter 8
b. Comparison Between Unsolicited Proposals, Brochures And Sales Letters 10
c. Segmentation, Targeting And Positioning 12
d. Following The Aida Model 13
2. Basic Elements Of A Sales Letter 15
a. What Are The Basic Parts Of A Sales Letter? 15
b. How To Create Headlines To Invigorate Your Sales Letters? 17
c. Is It Important To Have A Strong First Paragraph? 19
d. Is Including P.S. In Your Sales Letter Essential? 21
e. Should You Include Guarantees? 22
3. Tips On Writing A Sales Letter 25
a. Fundamental Tips On How To Write An Effective Sales Letter 25
b. A 12-Step Guideline For A Sales Letter 27
c. What Fundamental Questions Should Your Sales Letter Answer 33
d. Is Aesthetics Important For Your Sales Letter? 35
e. Do Short, Powerful Phrases Enhance The Impact Of Your Sales Letter 37
f. Why Certain Sales Letters Lose Business 40
g. What Are Lethal Sales Letter Mistakes? 43
h. What Are The Pitfalls Of A “What If” Approach? 45
i. What To Do When You Just Cannot Write A Sales Letter 47
j. The Disparity Between A Sales Letter And An Advertisement 49
k. Attention Is Critical 50
l. A Rapid Lesson In Writing Sales Letters In A Lucid Manner 52
m. What Is Better – A Long Or A Short Sales Letter 54
n. Do You Always Have To Use Correct English 55
o. Monster Of A Sales Letter 56
p. Is It True That Good Sales Letters Are Like Good Salespeople 59
q. The Ten Basic Rules Of Writing A Good Sales Letter 62
r. Five Useful Secrets Of An Effective Sales Letter 64
s. Do Emotionally Charged Sales Letters Boost Sales 65
t. What Are The Words That You Should Never Make Use Of In
A Sales Letter 67
u. Ways To Create A Rapport 70
4. Finishing Up 71
a. Final Checklist For A Sales Letter 71
b. The Last Word 73

Sample Content Preview


The basic aim of every business is to enhance stakeholder value. Whether you are keen on generating a huge response from a newspaper or magazine ad, a direct sales letter, or an Internet site, the basic fact you need to realize is “What is it that makes your business tick?”

A chief and extensively used form of marketing communication tool is the sales letter. It can construct your client base and increase your sales.

What is so special about sales letters that are always read? What is it about the sales letters that sell products? What is the secret to sales letters that keep readers reading until the final line? Why do we buy on the basis of some sales letters and not others, even though they offer the same benefits and features?

Sales letters can portray numerous kinds of information. For example:

a) It makes you aware of the product and services that you are offering.

The primary and major reason for using sales letters as a marketing tool is to make the customer conscious of your product or service by providing adequate facts to appeal to the reader.

b) Make an excuse for futures appointment

Sales letter may be used to organize the consumer for contacting in future appointment—for example, visiting him personally or calling him up for appointments.

c) Replying to enquiries.

If at a previous date, the customer asked for additional information about a specific product or service, a sales letter can be sent to respond to their queries. This, in itself, can create ground to sell the product and service.

d) General Information

A sales letter can notify the consumer of the latest offers, products, services, sales, and so on. It can be any other information that you feel will interest the reader. The consumer may have specially asked you to inform him about such information and/or you may target consumer groups exclusively.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 74 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 302 KB

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