Magic Formula Mini Sites MRR Ebook


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First I want to talk about the different types of mini sites. I have broken down the different types of mini sites into 3 categories and I will discuss them with you one at a time.

1. Mini Site Lite
2. The Original Mini Site
3. Mini Site Extra

*Note the above terms are my terms. They are names that I have made up so that when I am building mini sites I have something to go by. I build so many of them that I have made categories for them. I’m passing this information on to you so that you will know which kind of mini site is right for whatever you are promoting or selling.

Mini Site Lite

What you need to create a “mini site lite” type site:

1. Domain name
2. Hosting
3. Something to promote

I love building “mini site lite” type sites. They are quick and easy for me to build, and I can build many of them in a small amount of time. “Mini site lite” type sites are simple one-page sites that either have their own domain name, or they can be just a one-page site built on any domain name you have. I most always buy a domain name for each and every mini site I create no matter how big or small.

“Mini site lite” type sites can be landing pages, one page salesletters, etc. They are used to get a sale right now, collect information from the visitor, “presell” the visitor, and many more uses.

I have found “mini site lite” type sites to be the hardest and most expensive to market. Don’t let those words scare you away though. I have also found that they make you the quickest and easiest money.

If you are looking to get your “mini site lite” type site indexed in the search engines, you better think again. They almost never get indexed. Why? Well that’s the million-dollar question.

From my study of SEO I have gathered that they don’t get indexed because they lack content (some search engines will even penalize your site because of this). Search engines love content. When you have a lot of pages of relative content on your site the search engines will index the heck out of you. For us marketing using the simple one page, “mini site lite” type sites, we have to look for other ways of marketing.

There are several other ways out there to market your “mini site lite” type site, so don’t be afraid to build one of these. I recommend them to beginners because they are easy to build, and you can learn the right ways and the wrong ways to market with them because it’s easy to track what’s going on when you just have a one-page site.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 39 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 2,063 KB

License Details:

[Yes] Includes Reseller Website
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus to one other product
[Yes] Can be packaged
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites
[NO] Can be given away
[NO] Can be added to free membership sites

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