Millionaire Software Tycoon Secrets Mrr Ebook


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Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: An Introduction To The Genius Of Outsourcing
The Purpose of This Course
Behind The Industry Buzzwords
Throwing A Little Cold Water on the Outsourcing Party
Chapter 2: Do You Have a Software Project Suitable for Outsourcing?
Creating a New Software Solution-the Components of a Software Project
Creating a New Version of Existing Software
Project Visibility
Project Size as a Determining Factor
Chapter 3: Writing the Requirements Document and the Product
The Vision Statement
The Requirements Document
The Product Specification
Writing a Combined Requirements / Specifications Document
Sectioning the Requirements Document
Getting People Who Need to Read the Document to Actually Read It
Technical Writing Tips
Reflecting Changes in Requirements
Documenting Requests for Enhancements
Outsourcing Your Requirements Document and Materials
Chapter 4: Choosing and Managing Outsource Staff
Contracting Developers Individually
Choosing a Service Provider
A Note on Managing the Coding Process
Chapter 5: Using The On-Line Services
General Principles For Using Online Services – Old School Outsourcing – Covering Every Base – Focusing On The Code
Chapter 6: Testing
A Few Reasons Why Your Software May Have Bugs
Software Testing
Verifying and Validating
The Walkthrough
The Inspection
Kinds of Testing To Be Considered
Final Thoughts on Testing
Chapter 7: Managing the Development Project
The Four Stages of a Project
Estimating the Time and Cost of Your Project
The Most Common Problems in the Development Process
A Summary of the Common Difficulties of Outsourcing

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Chapter 1: An Introduction To The Genius Of Outsourcing

The Purpose Of This Course:

This course is aimed at professional entrepreneurs who desire to successfully outsource software development for their companies with qualified, capable, and trustworthy software developers.

It is NOT even close to ‘light-n-easy pleasure reading’ – it’s serious business and worthy of your full attention.

This in-depth course provides the tools necessary to successfully foster an outsourcing arrangement that will be mutually beneficial, and will help you immensely in navigating the difficult and often perplexing world of outsourcing.

With the downsizing of companies and the increased trend of offsite work or telecommuting, outsourcing has become a viable and efficient option for staffing and development. From small startups to large multinationals, contract services now account for a significant percentage of the corporate workforce.

Whether an individual freelance contractor or an outsourcing provider (a company which acts much like an employment agency, but one which specializes in freelance or contract positions) outsourcing has become a highly lucrative option for employers and employees alike.

In this new world of contractors, freelancers, and outsourcing, even the smallest startups often find themselves in relationships with people in many countries, scattered all over the world, each working for the benefit of the company, increased productivity, and decreased cost.

This book will guide entrepreneurs and business people through this relatively new world of outsourcing, from using services such as Elance, RentACoder and Guru to procuring software developers and other IT specialists. We will explore the new outsourcing dynamic, which breaks the mold of traditional employeremployee relationships.

It’s important to keep in mind that the world has changed. The ideas you have picked up about outsourcing and the way that things work in the dispersed multinational workforce, really may be irrelevant in this new, highly connected world of telecommuting and internet connectivity.

As an example, in many cases, the need for the traditional on-site software developer is relegated to the technological dustbin with companies such as Elance. The resources at Elance allow you to post a specification for the code-a hypothetical functional overview-and then contract with a developer. From that point, the developer would code the software for you. You may never meet the developer in person.

Other Details

– 10 Articles (TXT)
– Ebook (PDF), 74 Pages
– 5 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
– Salespage (HTML)
– Ecover (JPG)
– Promotional Ad Material (Emails)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2007
– File Size: 1,140 KB

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