New Years Resolutions Help Give Away Rights Ebook


Table Of Contents

About the Author………………….4
Table of Contents…………………5
To Your Best Year Yet!!!………….7
Today’s Lesson: Set Goals for Yourself – The Power of WHY?………………….8
First WHY, Then HOW………………….8
Simple, Not Easy………………….8
A Sense of Urgency and Focus………………….9
Goals Have the Power to Motivate…………………9
Keep Your Goals in Front of You………………….10
The Rocking Chair Test………………….10
Your Top 50 Goals………………….11
A Little Goal-Setting Workshop………………….11
How to Focus on the Important Areas………………….12
The Power of WHY?: Creating Emotionally Based Goals………………….12
Prioritize Your Goals………………….13
Resolve Any Conflicts………………….13
The B.E.S.T. System for Setting Goals………………..13
Break Down Your Goals into Manageable Sub-Goals………………….14
A Recap of Today’s Session….15
Closing Remarks…………………16
Make the Commitment – Be in the Top 5 Percent………………16
Not Just Motivation………………….16
Are You Making a Living or Living a Life?………………….19
Dream BIG!!!………………….21
“If I knew I could not fail, what would I attempt?”……………….21
FOCUS on a Few Goals………………….22

Sample Content Preview


What you’re about to read is from a coaching call that I did a few years back, which was part of my 12-month long financial coaching program. The audio is a bit rough, so I’m glad we have this transcript for you to read through with some extra bonus material.

I know that the information is still relevant and useful because well, every year, right about the end of the year we begin to think about the things we’d like to change.

We think about what we wanted to accomplish…but didn’t.

We think about how much money we wanted to earn…but didn’t.

We think of the weight we wanted to lose…but didn’t.

Well my job is to turn those “didn’ts” around and help you plan for a successful and healthy new year. Let’s get into it right now…

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 22 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 211 KB

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