Real Life Marketer Interviews Resale Rights Ebook


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The How and Why of this e-book:

Let’s face it: If you’re reading this, you’re more than likely quite new to the internet marketing scene and you’re looking for hints and tips that you can learn from, but also affirmation that it IS actually possible to make money online as an ordinary, everyday type of person.
As the publisher of an ezine primarily created for “newbies” I’ve been asked the same questions over and over again:

• Is it possible?

• How do people start out?

• How do they get traffic to their websites?

• How long will it take me to make money online?

• Do I need a certain type of business background to be able to do all of this?

• What are your best hints and tips for me, as a newbie to the net?

Thanks to questions like these, I started asking people for interviews and placed them in my ezine, a new one every week. As the interviews proved to be full of helpful information and EXTREMELY popular, the next logical step up was to find more people who would be willing to take part in an interview for this e-book.

I scoured my address book and I combed the most popular home business forums asking people if they’d be interested in helping others by taking part in my interview. The response was nothing less than wonderful!

Of course, some of the “big guru” guys were too busy to take part, but each and every one of the people who DID take part are big in their own respect, and absolutely huge in my eyes. They all prove that it is possible to make a living online, even without all the hype and fuss.

Whilst you’re reading through the interviews, you’ll notice that all of these people have one MAJOR thing in common. Ok, you want to know what that is right away, huh? Well, they’re ALL normal, everyday people, just like you and me. They’ve learnt what it takes to succeed online, and they’re sharing that information with YOU.

In this book you will learn that the secret to internet marketing is that there IS no secret. It all boils down to passion, hard work and will power. As the title of the book says, these are ALL real life marketers, and if they can do it YOU can do it too

I hope you enjoy reading this e-book and that you really take the time to learn from the interviewees as they are all “experts” in their own rights. None of them are earning anything from me for taking part. They have all been “newbies” and know how hard it can feel to get started. I really appreciate them sharing this information with you. I’m sure you do too :~)

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 72 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 558 KB

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