Road To Success PLR Ebook


Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2
Chapter I: Introduction on Success 3
A sense of purpose leads to happiness 3
Personal Development for Prosperity 4
Chapter II: Improving for Success 6
How to manage your schedule and stay stress free 6
Top 10 Time Management Skills 7
There is no “I” in TEAM: Team Building Basics 8
Teach Yourself Effective Public Speaking 9
Improving Your Listening Skills 10
Learn How to Say No 12
Avoiding Temptations to Live a Better Life 13
Chapter III: How to Be Successful 15
How to be successful in life 15
Making the right decisions 16
Use a hobby to become successful 17
Why you need to think like a success to be a success 18
Improve yourself by going outside your comfort zone 19
Why you need to go out on a limb to be a success 20
Learning discipline for a healthier lifestyle 21
Think your way to becoming rich 22
Count your blessings 23

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Chapter I: Introduction on Success

A sense of purpose leads to happiness

Having a sense of purpose in your life goes a long way to helping you feel confident, secure and happy. A sense of purpose can be brought about by anything in life, it can be related to your career, bringing up a family or doing voluntary work. It is all about fitting in and feeling you are making a difference in life, that you are achieving something and getting somewhere.

If you have a sense of purpose in life you have something to look forward to everyday, a reason for getting up out of bed in the morning with a smile, it makes you feel good on the outside and so good on the inside. It leads to a more confident person who is happy with their position in life.

Younger people very often have no problem developing a purpose in life, they are just starting out and the majority of them have exams to pass, careers to start building, meeting the opposite sex, dating, marrying and eventually starting their own families. The majority of the younger generation has a lot to look forward to and so have a sense of purpose in life.

However the older we get, uncertainty can set in and we can start wondering about our purpose in life. Perhaps the children have grown up and are no longer dependant on you. Relationships break up or we reach retirement age and no longer have our work as a purpose in life.

The older generation then has to develop a new sense of purpose in life, luckily there are many ways you can achieve this, and here are some of the more common ones.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 27 Pages
– 5 Ecovers (JPG)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2007
– File Size: 656 KB

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