Scorching Hot Resell Tips From A Resell Junkie MRR Ebook


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Table Of Contents

Distribution Notice (3)
Introduction (4)
Disclaimer (4)
Getting Organized (5)
Mindset, Diligence & Focus Are Crucial! (5)
Major Do’s & Don’ts (6)
Fail To Do These & Face The Death of Your Resell Business! (9)
More Tips That’ll Help Pull Everything Together! (10)
Think Smarter, Not Harder! (10)
Most Importantly of All… (11)
Conclusion (12)
Resell Rights Sources & Resources (13)

Sample Content Preview


Hi there! Kim Enders here from I’m glad you purchased this report. In it, you’ll find tips and suggestions that I’ve discovered from my experience and others’ experiences too.

I hope you’ll implement what you read here. I’m certain that it’ll hasten the learning process for you and help you reap more profits from your reselling business.

Mind you, I don’t claim to be a guru or expert. I’ve learned a lot and as any other marketer out there, I’m still learning and growing my own online business every day! I started out just like you. However, I don’t want you to waste massive amounts of time and money making the same mistakes that I’ve made.

I had no clue where to even begin, though. (This may or may not ring true for you.) I had no business partners, no knowledge of online business practices beforehand and no real direction.

I don’t want you to fall into the same ruts that plagued me for months on end. So, please, if you don’t do anything else today, please read this ebook from beginning to end. I’ve written it in a manner where it’s short and concise. Let’s get real! Nobody wants to sit down and read a 300 – 500 page report. Heck, most people don’t have the time to!

So, without further ado, your most important lesson on resell rights yet…


Darn, I hate reading through disclaimers; Don’t you? Well, shucks, it’s necessary. Let’s go ahead and get it quickly out of the way!

In a nutshell, the advice given in this ebook is no guarantee of success or potential profit and the advice is also not all-inclusive. Furthermore, your success or failure depends on your efforts, not the information in this ebook.

While the information is expected to help you immensely, the author, Kim Enders, is not to be held liable for your results. (Sorry, it has to be said!) Your reading and use of this information indicates your agreement with this disclaimer.

Now that we have that unpleasantness out of the way, let’s get started! Onward, I say!

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 13 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 481 KB

License Details:

[Yes] Includes Reseller Website
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus to one other product
[Yes] Can be packaged
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites
[NO] Can be given away
[NO] Can be added to free membership sites

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