The Loser The Turd And The 900 Pound Gorilla Give Away Rights Ebook


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Honest. It wasn’t intentional…

I’ve uncaged a monster!

Let me quickly explain: It all started back in June 2005 when I released ArticleAnnouncer, the web’s first and (still) best-selling article submission software and training course. (Note: this report isn’t about ArticleAnnouncer, so keep reading…) As a result, thousands of online marketers (perhaps even you) started to WAKE UP!

My subscribers and customers immediately realized the power of syndicating their articles online to get massive backlinks, traffic and boost their search engine rankings like nothing else – all at NO cost. They started writing… hiring ghostwriters… and submitting thousands of their articles to the top directories online.

Then the bomb dropped…

I guess I should have saw it coming. It was inevitable. The “losers” (a.k.a. lazy marketers) caught wind of how effective article marketing was and they jumped all over it. They started blindly submitting articles in droves, clogging article directories with poorly written articles.

The administrators of these sites couldn’t keep up. Many of them simply packed it in. Directories like these were around for years and then suddenly vanished in 2006… POOF!

The Losers Ruined It!

The “losers” always ruin it. Look at what they did to Automated Page Generation Software or Blog-And-Ping… it all worked great for a while, until these folks went hog wild, pushed things too far and killed the gravy train for the rest of us.

Did these losers kill article marketing too? Well, they may have “killed” it for themselves. But luckily, NOT for you and me. You will understand why in a minute.

Sidenote: Before you roll your eyes and say “Oh brother, not ANOTHER ‘Death Of’ … report”, let me say this — article marketing is NOT dead… if you do things right. I will explain how in this report. Keep reading.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 23 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 240 KB

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