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Richard’s Seminar

Richard talked about the need to know where you were going in life. You see too many people just “go with the flow”, in order words they are simply being pushed along in the direction that others are going this can be good or bad, but normally people like this wake up and say “hey where am I?”. If you go with the flow you are not in control of your life and may end up in a place that you don’t want to be in.

When you set a goal you begin to know that you are moving towards a destination, the path may not be clear cut but the destination is always at the forefront of your mind.

If you’re considering starting a business on the internet, you should ask yourself what the reasons for setting it up are. Look beyond the financial goal. For example maybe the end goal is to help others, to be able to provide a good education for you and your family. Perhaps it’s to be famous.

The internet and business

There’s no doubt about it that there is money to be made on the internet, however there are a lot of scams out there. Always remember that if something sounds to good to be true it usually is! If a stranger walked up to you on the street, and promised to turn your $25 investment into $25,000 in six weeks, without you having to do anything wouldn’t you be suspicious? So you should be on the internet too.


You must think of your business on the internet as a business, something that you work at for a fixed time per day. Perhaps it’s only 1 hour a day, but have a plan of what you want to do in that one hour. You may not want to go full time yet, but even if you have a part time business you should treat it as a business and not a hobby.

You must believe you can succeed. The stories you hear of people making $75,000 per month are true, however they work their online business as hard, or harder than an offline business. Once you have established yourself and products you can leverage the internet to allow you to make passive residual income. This is income that you don’t have to actively sell for (for example an ebook that is promoted by an army of affiliates) and comes in on a regular basis.

I mentioned about the following: What the thinker thinks, the prover proves. This means that if you think you can’t do something you will be right, your mind will prove that you are right. Therefore if you also think you can do something you will find ways to do it.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 12 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 180 KB

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